Many notable male figures have been victims of sexual assault, but plenty more have kept quiet about their past. Much of this is a result of the stereotype that men should be masculine and stand up for themselves. Some notable male victims of sexual assault include:

Tyler Perry: Perry, an actor and filmmaker, was sexually and physically abused by his father, Emmitt Perry, Sr., until he was 19. He was regularly beaten, called names, and molested. He said that in 2009, during production of the film "Precious," he was reminded of memories that he "needed to deal with but had long forgotten."

Carlos Santana: The 67-year-old guitarist and rock legend was molested by an older man "almost every other day" when he was between 10 and 12 years old, seducing him by buying gifts like food, clothes, and toys. The abuse finally ended when Santana fell in love with a young girl and Santana "looked at him for the first time for who he was: a very sick person."